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2023 South Side Task Force Meeting Calendar


Task Force Mission The South Side Heroin/Opioid Task Force is comprised of community-based agencies (CBO), health care providers, and governmental agencies to address the opioid epidemic facing men, women and children on the Southside, resulting in cumulative deaths.

Task Force Goals:

  1. Raise awareness of illegal drug use

  2. Increase supportive services for persons who consume opioid drugs

  3. Increase overdose response

  4. Integrate mental health, substance use disorders, treatment and recovery

  5. Implement a coordinated collaborative for improved outcomes


Individuals, agencies, or facilities can join any one of our monthly meetings and start becoming active an active member.

3rd TUESDAY @ 11am

2023 MEETING DATES: JAN 17 FEB 21 MAR 21 APR 18 MAY 16 JUN 20 JUL 18 AUG 15 SEP 19 OCT 17 NOV 21 DEC 19


Meeting ID: 393 415 0146

Passcode: ucb01C

Phone: 312-626-6799

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